I bought these this morning and you might be wondering what the big deal is.You will see later why these gloves are a big deal.First of all they are really pretty.See the part that goes over your arm with the nice kitsch design.But to be more practical they are really long so that helps with not getting water running down your arms.What I did was use two of my daughter's elesticated hair bands(the fluffy ones)and strapped them around the gloves on my upper forearms.This keeps the gloves from moving and slipping off and also the fluffy bands absorb any water which might run down the gloves.Clever,hey??
Now for the best part
From what I can see of this amazing kitchen gadget the sponge is glued onto the gloves and it looks really strong so far.I have washed my car and my front windows and the pictures show them as they look after I have used them for these chores.I will keep you updated as we progress along.The thing is I could not find any of these sponge gloves with a scouring sponge so I am going to make one of my own.Keep watching this space as I am going to post pictures of my new new invention and see if it works.
Also I was so excited about these sponge gloves that I cleaned and washed my car again even though it had been cleaned on Monday by the repair center.That's a whole other story but if you want to hear about my bid to conquer Monday morning stressors via car troubles then you know where to go.
these look awesome!!