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Showing posts with label money saving tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money saving tips. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Save Money Tip-Get a Furminator Deshedding Tool

In my bid to save money with this persistent global recession I was advised by an online guru (cannot remember who) (and I am a poet and did not know it).Anyway we are supposed to keep track of all our monthly expenses and then analyze which ones can be eliminated or decreased.Well one of my monthly things is my dog Sasha going to the dog parlor.She does come back beautiful with a pink bow and all but I have no problem with washing her it is the fur trimming that I have a problem with.So I went online and found this.The amazing Furminator Deshedding Tool.I assume the name comes from Fur Terminator,very clever...

This apparently removes the fur off your pet without any discomfort,in fact they appear to enjoy the buzzing sensation and it is easy to use.The blades do not have a sharp edge but it apparently works a charm if you read up on the reviews on this tool.Also you can watch videos which show you how its done and you will be amazed by how much fur gets taken off.

Only thing is dont use on a wet dog or a dog with tangles in the fur and you will eventually have to buy replacement blades but for me the overall cost versus the ongoing monthly cost means I can pay off the investment in about 12 months.Great idea if the globbal recession goes past that time which I think it will.Anyway it is always good to practice cost saving exercises regardless of any global economy.

FURminator deShedding Tool