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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Your Teenager and Weight Loss

I have always believed in prevention rather than cure. When it comes to your teenager and weight loss there is a whole lot you need to be aware of. This is not weight loss from an adult perspective where you hope there is common sense involved. My 15 year old daughter is not at all overweight but seems to think she is. I was lucky to be a teenager in the 80s where the athletic look was in so there was never this pressure to be stick thin like there is now. My daughter thinks my calves are too big and ugly and I got these from cycling. But with this focus on being stick thin she does not want to do a lot of exercise for fear of building muscles. So as Moms to teenagers today it is not as simple as encouraging exercise. You will not believe the attitudes nowadays. Purging, bulimia and anorexia are things which are not looked down upon but rather admired. My daughter has even asked me about the tape worm theory. This is when they swallow a tape worm which apparently eats everything you take in and then after a while you take some medication and the tape worm dies and comes out .I tried to discourage her by pointing out that the tape worm could very likely come out through her mouth but that didn’t work and she is still very interested in that theory.
I am lucky that she is not actively pursuing these options and I think it is partly due to the fact that I have over the years only had fresh food in the house and the drinks of choice were either 100% juice or water. I have never had fizzy drinks. Over and above the fact that they are unhealthy I also believe they are addictive.
I think the solution is to introduce slowly and consistently the right way to eat, encouragement with exercise, the right mind set and basically just being there for them though these confusing teenage years.
You can access a lot of really good ideas on how to do this via information on the internet.

If your teenager is already overweight there is light at the end of the tunnel. The important idea is to get their minds right and focused. The right way to start would be to access weight loss tips for beginners via the web.

Have your teenager access teenage weight loss tips on the internet.This link is a good site for teenagers to access as they have the option to ask questions and they will receive answers to all their queries.


  1. your daughter might like to know that the more muscle she has (in relation to body fat) the more calories her body will burn. In other words--if she has calves that are a little bit "thick" (from muscle, that is!) the less likely that half slice of pizza will make her thick around her middle! If she does a few pushups and pull ups and lunges--she'll burn more calories even when she's sitting at home on her computer reading about tape worm diets!!

  2. Thanks Esme.Thanks for the tip.I am going to make her read your comment and make her understand this theory.This is the kind of thing that should be on tv for teenagers not the other crap they show.
    Have a good day!!!!
